/// Reader Mail                                    Our Readers Speak!

From:   IN%"mbrookes@dublin.cerf.fred.org"
To:     IN%"rob_g@delphi.com"
Subj:   Amiga CD32

Hi Rob.
Just a quick note to say "thanks!" for Amiga Report, and for all the work
that goes in to producing it. Must say I _love_ the new AmigaGuide
format. Makes skimming before a thourough read a breeze!
The following appeared recently in comp.sys.amiga.misc, and purports to
be the translation of a message from C= Germanys Dr Peter Kittel, who in
turn was reporting the announcement there of the `Amiga 32 CD console'.
Make of it what you wish! ;) (Call it rumour for now though...)
Oh, before I add the text file, a couple of other things. First, the story
about hidden modem taxes is _completely bogus!_. This same story was
thrashed out in the online journal, "Telecom Digest" a few weeks ago, and
all those "in the know" agreed that it's cleverly fabricated hocus-pocus. As
I remember, neither "The San Jose Herald", nor "Congressional spokesperson
Bonnie Houck", nor even "Clinton Administration spokesperson J. R. Dobbs"
exist! Other parts of the story were also proved to be fake, but I don't
remember all the details. (Sorry). Secondly, in an earlier mag. someone
mentioned the fact that the A5000 rumour had been published in the UK
magazine "Amiga Mart". Amiga Mart is a complete rag, containing mostly
classified ads for pirated software, and greetings from cracking groups, and
is barely worth the inferior quality "toilet paper" it's printed on. The
fact that they picked up on the ancient Internet A5000 april fools joke
gives it no more weight. The photo they published was of a PC motherboard!,
with a bit of paper stuck on the cpu, poorly labled 68060. In the same issue
they published a story about a mail order company selling the A600 for a
record breaking low price of 185UKP. Wrong! Checking with the company, it is
the HD upgrade pack for the A600 which is 185UKP, the A600 is the same old
price. Most of the rest of their copy is taken straight from "Amiga Report"
word for word! (I hope they have your permission!)

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